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Welcome to Ahlan Star contracting and Transport LLC

Ahlan Star Contracting & Transport LLC, with contracting & transportation services mainly in oil & Gas, located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. We are dedicated to customer satisfaction in all aspects such as HSE, Quality, Reliability, Budget & Schedule for all services.

To utilize the latest technology and become most competency with high standard Quality & Safety for all services.

Zero LTI during all time.

To provide reliable, timely, accurate, cost-effective and quality services that meet customer's Satisfaction.

Commitment to customers, Employees, Subcontractor & Vendor satisfaction.
Continues Innovation. Contribution to the preservation of the environment , Integrity, Pride in own organization & Contribution to society.

Ahlan Star Contracting & Transportation LLC aims to:
Satisfy the needs of its customers by providing reliable, timely and cost effective services, which are undertaken to a high professional standard and integrity.

Ensure that its reputation for the quality of its services is continually enhanced.

To achieve those aims, Ahlan Star Contracting & Transport LLC has developed and will implement an effective continually improved Quality Management System complying with the requirements of ISO 9001 -2015, ISO 14001 - 2015, ISO 45001 -2018 and the principles of business excellence.

Top management and employees of Ahlan Star Contracting & Transport LLC are strongly
committed to the full adherence of our quality policy


ISO 9001 -2015 Quality Management System

ISO 14001 - 2015 Environmental Management system

ISO 45001 -2018 - Occupational health and Safety Management systems

White ball on green concrete

- Testimonials -

Discover what our clients think about our service

I am extremely satisfied with this product! It exceeded my expectations with its quality and performance. The customer service was excellent, and delivery was prompt. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Brian Moten

man standing near balcony
man standing near balcony

I am extremely satisfied with this product! It exceeded my expectations with its quality and performance. The customer service was excellent, and delivery was prompt. I highly recommend this to everyone.

woman wearing black crew-neck shirt
woman wearing black crew-neck shirt

Clarice Turner
